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An Open Letter to "But it's my 2nd Amendment Right"

Dear "But it's my 2nd Amendment Right,"

Since beginning this blog, I have really made an effort to be explanatory instead of condescending. I have really tried to be respectful, and put an emphasis on education so that you may cultivate the most informed opinion as possible. Though some of you may think I have not been successful, I have at least made an effort.

I cannot promise that even a dreg of that composure will be maintained.

Why? Because I am absolutely livid. Since the Sandy Hook School Shooting, 400 people have died from 200 school shootings.

400 people.

Four hundred children. Four hundred students, teachers, and faculty. Four hundred people, just like you and just like me. That number is too big for us to even rationalize. That's like if I lost 30% of my graduating class at Emory.

And the exact same thing that happens after every school shooting is going to repeat itself. For about a week, my feed is going to be filled with thoughts and prayers, angry posts about gun reform, and lamentations about the tragedy that occurred. But, slowly, the discussion will die off and we will stop talking.

The worst possible thing we can do is to stop talking.

Because that is what we always do. We are sad and appalled and devastated when it happens and we do nothing.

Our congressmen and congresswomen do nothing.

And another shooting happens. And more people die. And nothing changes.

Quite honestly, I don't want to hear it from you. Because I know exactly what you're going to say. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Gun violence would happen anyway. It's my 2nd Amendment right. The founding fathers specifically fought for my right to own a gun.

It infuriates me that these claims still circulate the web when one of these shootings happen. Because it makes me so angry, I have decided to refute each of these arguments and hopefully explain why each of them are invalid when human lives are at risk. To me, it seems like the welfare of other human beings should supersede your desire to hunt, but again and again I am reminded that 18 school shootings in 45 days is apparently not enough for you. Even one is not enough.

Let's begin with the most common argument: Guns don't kill people, people kill people. As I am trying to write this, I do not even know where to begin because so much of this is wrong. Yes, people are the ones who pull the trigger. But if that mentally deranged person did not have access to a gun in the first place, then the shooting would not have even happened. It is ridiculous that the Parkland shooter was able to obtain a AR-15 assault weapon legally even though he had a history of mental illness, was expelled from school, and had joked on social media about a school shooting.

Guns should be a privilege that is only afforded to those who pass a rigorous psychological examination and have been trained extensively on gun safety and use. This should be common sense.

Secondly, why on EARTH does ANYONE need an AR-15? Assault weaponry has no place in our society. Six of the ten most deadliest shootings in U.S. history witnessed the use of an AR-15. I understand that the 2nd Amendment protects the rights of citizens to own weaponry, so a handgun for target practice or a rifle for hunting is fine. But a weapon that holds 30 bullets is absolutely unacceptable. In fact, in Florida (my home state), it's easier to buy an assault weapon than a hand gun. You only need to be 18 to purchase such a powerful weapon; you have to be 21 to purchase a handgun.

To be quite frank, I don't give a damn about you wanting to own a gun. Your petty desire should not be valued over innocent human lives.

Gun reform would radically transform our society and could eliminate shootings like these from happening again. Don't believe me? Look at the U.K., Japan, Australia, and Germany. Each of them has instituted gun reform and it has dramatically lowered the number of gun violence related deaths.

And for you, "but it's my 2nd Amendment Right," go to a history class for crying out loud. The Founding Fathers wrote the Bill of Rights in 1791, more than two centuries ago and yet, you have the audacity to say that the 2nd Amendment is still relevant today. The 2nd Amendment was crafted at the same conference that passed the 3/5 Compromise. For those you who don't know, the 3/5 Compromise decided that slaves would count for 3/5 of a person so that Southern states could have more representatives in Congress. The 3/5 Compromise is so out of date that maybe we should re-evaluate the 2nd Amendment.

Furthermore, there is NO WAY that the Founding Fathers could have anticipated the advanced weaponry that we have today. Do you SERIOUSLY think that George Washington or Alexander Hamilton would still fight for your right to own an assault weapon if innocent people were dying because of their Amendment?

Please, go on and tell me that your right to own a gun is more important that people's lives. Please tell me that gun reform isn't effective, even though other countries have demonstrated its obvious advantages. Please tell me that the parents and students who have been traumatized by gun violence are not enough justification for change.

If you believe any of these things, the blood of the victims of school shootings is on your hands. Your opinion is not even worthy of discussion because every time you open your mouth, you justify murder.

This should not be a partisan issue. This is an issue of human livelihood. This is an issue of right and wrong.

Do not let anyone else die because of gun violence.

This is a problem that can be solved.

Yours truly,



Emory University 
201 Dowman Drive 
Atlanta, GA 30322



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